First ever Crunch Time at Polk Library
December 1, 2021

Crunch Time provides a great opportunity for students to get prepared for finals in Polk Library.
The end of the fall semester is fast approaching, and many students are looking for resources to help them get through this last stretch.
For some, it may be hard to study in places like their dorms, Reeve Union or classrooms throughout various buildings.
That’s why UW Oshkosh Library Director Sarah Neises came up with the idea of Crunch Time.
The first Crunch Time was held from 3-6 p.m. Tuesday in Polk Library to help students be more successful in their academic careers.
“This event was inspired by a desire to help students as they reach the end of the Fall semester,” said Neises. “I hope students see the library as a friendly place that they can come to when they need to get down to business.”
The main goal of Crunch Time is to create an atmosphere in Polk Library where students feel they can accomplish their goals for studying, completing research or projects and more.
Staff members from campus resources like the Writing Center were able to help with study skills, tutoring and more.
Nieses said her goal was to have those staff members help students excel in their academics and look forward to finals.
“I hope that students who are struggling can connect with staff who can help them push through to the end of the semester and be successful,” she said.
Crystal Mueller, Director of the Writing Center was able to provide staff members from the center to help with the event.
“The Writing Center was actually the originator of the events like this held in Polk,” said Mueller, “They are inspired by a tradition started in writing centers in German universities called Lange Nacht Der Aufgeschobenen Hausarbeiten.”
Mueller added that there were staff members there to aid throughout the night and that the Writing Center will continue to help with events like this in the future.
Along with having multiple staff resources there, there were also snacks and pizza for students to eat while working hard.
Neises said she hopes the event can be held again.
“We are trying to make this study event part of the campus culture, so we are willing to hold it again in an effort to help students engage with the campus and be successful,” she said.