UWO’s journaling club creates community
March 30, 2022
The UW Oshkosh Bullet Journal Club offers an opportunity for students to join and create their own bullet journals.
Bullet journaling is a mix of creating a journal, daily planner, diary and a to-do list all in one.

UWO’s bullet journal club allows students to get expressive with the design of their calenders, to-dolists and diaries.
It’s a form of organizing that allows the owner of the journal to put everything into one place in a creative way they can construct themselves.
Jordan Williams, a senior and the event manager for the club after finding them at an event held on campus.
“I found the club during Taste of Oshkosh and I had already been bullet journaling,” Williams said, “I didn’t know other people did it too so I just joined the club for inspiration from other people.”
Club members are able to get together and gain inspiration from one another for their page designs just as Williams did.
“It’s a club where we meet virtually every two weeks on Tuesday night from 7-8 p.m.” Williams said, “We work on our bullet journals together, share what we are working on, just talk and hang out and will talk about different ways to use a bullet journal.”
Hanging out with others and enjoying the art of bullet journaling is what Williams enjoys about being a member.
“My favorite part is just hanging out and talking with the other members,” Williams said.
Due to meeting virtually, the club is also open to members on other campuses and those who cannot attend things in person.
“Since we meet online we are able to have Fox Valley students join us too, and it’s nice being able to see them every meeting,” Williams said, “Anyone can join.”
For those interested in joining, there is no worry about having the proper supplies for the first meeting.
“If you’re interested you can come to the meetings to see if it’s something you’d be interested in and then people in the club share what they use in their bullet journals to help figure out what you might like, ” Williams said.
If you’re interested in joining the club, message uwoshkoshbujo on Instagram for information on joining meetings.