RUB fall preview of events

Courtesy of Hannah Osborne — RUB holds events throughout the semester to create a fun, welcoming environment for students.

Mattie Beck, Arts and Entertainment Editor

Reeve Union Board (RUB) is kicking off the school year with many different events for students to enjoy all semester long. 

Their schedule of events ranges from a plant sale, to entertainers, live music, craft nights and more. 

Dylan Bram, RUB adviser, said he is looking forward to the upcoming events this semester. 

“There are many we are excited about, but a couple that stick out are  comedian Eric O’Shea on Sept. 3, who performed last year at Homecoming, and the audience loved him,” Bram said, “and Hypnotist Chris Jones on Sept. 7, who has great energy and really gets the audience involved in the show.”

O’Shea’s performance begins at 8 p.m., and Jones’s performance at 7 p.m., both in the Titan Underground in Reeve Memorial Union.

Bram said RUB  undergoes a lengthy process when deciding which events to hold for students. 

“First, we bring in a lot of our in-person performers through a conference we attend annually, called NACA (National Association for Campus Activities),” Bram said, “where we work with our student delegation to decide who they believe UWO students would like to see on campus.”

But input from students on campus is also taken into account throughout the process.

“We send out a survey at the end of the year to all students who have attended our events over the past year and ask what events they would most like to see on campus,” he said. 

Bram also said he hopes that the events provide a social atmosphere for students to come and connect with other students, while also having fun. 

“Our No. 1 goal at our events is to create a welcoming space where students can hang out with friends, meet new friends… and help them feel a sense of belonging,” Bram said. 

One of Bram’s favorite events is one that occurs annually, the plant sale. 

“I love that plants connect people, like music, and bring energy and decoration into people’s lives, whether that is their residence hall room, off-campus apartment or wherever they reside,” he said. 

Here are a few other events students can look forward to as the semester starts: 

Sept. 4: mini-golf and Mario Kart, both of which start at 8 p.m. 

Sept. 8:  Campfire on the Fox

Sept. 9:  Student Rec and Wellness will host the first Titan Night of the semester.

Students can find the rest of the schedule on the RUB event calendar at