‘Extraterrestrial Roommates’ premieres on Titan TV

Courtesy of Lauren Sweetman – ‘Extraterrestrial Roommates’ is a show about a human girl who has alien roommates.

Mattie Beck, Arts & Entertainment Editor

Titan TV began airing its new shows led by students for the spring semester, including “Extraterrestrial Roommates.”

“Extraterrestrial Roommates” is a show about a girl looking for new roommates and ends up finding three aliens to live with. 

The show is produced by Lauren Sweetman, who initially came up with the idea for the show. 

“I asked my friends, and one said a show about a sorority or fraternity of aliens would be funny,” she said. “I knew I couldn’t do a show with that many people, but I really liked the idea, so I created ‘Extraterrestrial Roommates’ as we know it.”

To produce the show, Sweetman had to give a pitch to the Titan TV executive board. 

“The pitch included the plot overview, episode overviews, characters, set design, inspiration and who my producers are,” she said. “It was a little stressful, and I remember my hands shook a little bit, but it was a great experience and (obviously) went well.”

After the pitch, Titan TV greenlit the show and production began for “Extraterrestrial Roommates.”

There are three different directors for the show, including Sweetman and her producers Heather Hagedorn and Amber Gately.

“They’re both incredibly talented and know exactly what camera shots to take to get the best scene possible,” Sweetman said. “Whoever directs depends on their schedules, but I’m happy with both of them.”

Alongside the directors, Sweetman said the actors contribute a lot to the show with their roles.

“They auditioned off their own ambition and just happened to be the perfect actors for each character,” she said. “I couldn’t do it  without them, they have great chemistry together and are incredibly talented.”

Sweetman said the cast also puts up with a lot of antics for the show, and she’s grateful for it.

“. . . they are somehow okay with eating spaghetti sauce sandwiches, getting pied in the face, and smashing an egg on their head.  I’m very lucky they haven’t walked out on me yet,” she said.

The production for the first episode went well, and the episode aired on Titan TV.

“Much to my surprise, the first episode went pretty smooth,” Sweetman said. “That’s thanks to the actors for knowing their lines and blocking so well, as well as the crew for staying on track and doing their job wonderfully.”

Even with production going well with the cast and crew, there were still some hiccups along the way.

“The big problem was one of the mic packs kept failing,” Sweetman said. “It took a lot of time to deal with, but we got it figured out.”  

With the first episode aired, Sweetman is grateful for the opportunity she’s been given with the project.

“I guess I just feel incredibly lucky that I have the opportunity to create something so special with incredible people,” she said. “I think I forget sometimes how big of a deal it really is, especially since I’ve been talent and/or a producer on other Titan TV shows (Crappy College Cooking and Anything But Average) for the past year.”

Sweetman did have a goal of creating a funny show for Titan TV and hopes she accomplishes it.

“The only goal I’ve ever had with this show is to write and produce a funny sitcom about aliens and humans with sweet moments and loveable characters,” she said. “Give the show a watch, [and] let me know if I accomplished it.”

The show is available to watch on Titan TV in the dorms on channel 71.1, Spectrum customers can watch on channel 57 and it’s available any time on demand.