Chancellor names Koker provost, vice chancellor for Academic Affairs

Nikki Brahm, Assistant News Editor

The decision to appoint John Koker as provost and vice chancellor for Academic Affairs was announced Wednesday morning after a series of screening processes involving four candidates for the position.

Koker previously served as the interim provost and vice chancellor for Academic Affairs at UW Oshkosh.

In a campus-wide email, Chancellor Andrew Leavitt said he is proud of the University community and its search and screening process.
“Dr. Koker is the right leader to guide us through our current financial challenges related to enrollment,” Leavitt said. “He will also help us collaboratively develop the next distinctive strategic vision and mission to strengthen our University’s identity and trajectory into the future.”

Leavitt also said the position will include more responsibilities and serve in new ways because UW Oshkosh is a multi-campus institution.

“The duties of vice chancellor of Academic Affairs will demand oversight of the Division of Academic Affairs and implementation of the academic mission,” Leavitt said. “I am confident Dr. Koker will excel at both and serve this institution admirably.”

According to the email, governance groups, the access campuses, collegium chairs, the search and screen committee and the Chancellor’s Cabinet were involved in the decision-making process.

“Participants in the provost candidates’ open forums shared some of the most insightful feedback,” Leavitt said.