Assault close to home: Student upset that UWO did not send out a Titan Alert

Cody Barnes, Reporter

UWO student is still recovering from an assault and robbery that occurred close to midnight Sept. 27.

Jed Molitor was walking from his house on Scott Avenue when a group of teens on bicycles assaulted him near Wright Street, less than a block from his house. He suffered a broken hand and cuts and bruises to his face and back of the head.

Molitor said he was walking to his girlfriend’s house when the teens rode up behind him and hit him on the back of the head, knocking him unconscious. The assailants continued to hit him on the ground before stealing Molitor’s wallet and backpack, but not his phone.

“They took everything, but were smart enough to not take my phone because you can track that,” Molitor said. “I am upset that [UWO] did not send out a Titan Alert because it was close to campus; it could have happened to someone else.”

Molitor said he asked the university why there was no Titan Alert.

In an email response from Associate Dean of Students Houa Xiong, she said many factors are taken into consideration when sending Titan Alerts, including the university usually does not receive police reports from the city until after incidences occur.

“At this point and time, the information is not timely and oftentimes may scare people more,” the email read. “Since it is off campus, we do not have to report it.”

Molitor said there were two other assaults that night and that his incident should have been cause enough for a Titan Alert. Xiong’s email referred to the assaults, but the Advance-Titan has not received the police report requested on Oct. 4.