Hyperpartisanship caused by both political parties
November 8, 2018
Tis’ the season — election season, and since it is the season, why not talk about our two-party system?
The trend of hyperpartisanship has led to a virtual stalemate within American politics.
Both sides of the political aisle have essentially become so stubborn that neither side allows for any compromise on most issues within our country.
A cruel and hard pill to swallow about modern American politics is that everyone and everything is essentially run by money.
As is the case with most things, there are some exceptions to the rule, but overall this statement is fairly accurate.
The process of running in a political campaign is expensive, so much so that it’s impossible to do by yourself.
Candidates seek donations from people or organizations to help pay for all the expenses that come with running a campaign.
Due to the fact that candidates rely so heavily on funds from other people, politicians sometimes find themselves in a bind.
Some of these donors seem to take advantage of the fact that these politicians need their assistance so much, that the donors can keep policticians hostage under their control.
Essentially, if a candidate does things that the donors don’t like, they can withdraw their donated funds — leaving the candidate unable to carry on with their campaign due to the loss of finances.
This may not be the most common practice, but it’s definitely apparent that it does happen in our political system.
Some of these situations may be happenstance or coincidence but both parties in our system are responsible and guilty of this hyperpartisanship, and that is just unacceptable.
The whole point of a democracy like ours is to allow for conversation and change to be made when things aren’t right.
When the lawmakers are so caught up in voting one way or another to maintain their seat, support and party affiliation, then the compromises which make our country so great are lost.
Many people complain about how the government never gets anything done, and part of the reason for this is because no one is willing to talk about the issues at hand.
Unfortunately, I don’t have an overarching one-step solution to fix all the issues in our government, but I think that stepping away from this would be a great first step.
It’s all up to the officials; that is what it boils down to.
They really need to open their eyes and be willing to discuss, civilly, with one another to make the changes that the nation wants and needs.