UWO’s icy slipup

Alyson Oda, Letter to the editor

Walking around campus right after it snows, I always find myself and seeing others slipping on ice. Although most of the sidewalks get shoveled on campus, there still seems to be some extremely icy spots.

The university has sent out emails suggesting we should walk like penguins to avoid falling on the ice. Last year, they even sent out an email saying salt will be limited; I remember many icy spots around campus.

There is still a risk even if we walk like penguins. Take black ice for example; you don’t see it until you walk on it. Ice can be in unexpected spots, which is why there needs to be more salt spread on campus during the winter.
Injuries from slips and falls on ice can have a substantial impact on the economy.

If professors or university staff fall, they may need to take time off work. Depending on their injury, they may need medical attention and possibly time off from work. This could mean numerous doctor appointments, physical therapy or even surgery.

If a student falls and gets injured, they too may need medical attention, which can result in them not being able to attend their classes or their job, if they have one.

Personally, I do not want to injure myself to the point where I have to seek medical attention. I am sure most students and university staff don’t want that either.

If students or university staff get injured, it is possible for them to sue the university since they didn’t take precautions by putting more salt down.

Even though the demand for salt during the winter season may be high, the university should plan ahead and make sure there is plenty of it during the winter season. In the end, if the university spent a little extra money on buying enough salt and putting plenty down on sidewalks, then it can help prevent these risks from happening more often.