Personal experience with social distancing
April 15, 2020
When classes got canceled and UWO students were given a two-week spring break, I honestly did not take social distancing as seriously as I should have. At that point, I was still planning on taking my spring break trip and seeing my friends.
But before the actual trip was to begin, my friends and I decided that it was not the smartest move to travel. And that was when it truly hit me: this pandemic is a larger issue than just myself. With a choice of going home or staying in Oshkosh for social distancing, I decided to stay in Oshkosh and move into my friend’s home for isolation.

courtesy of Jessica Rosga
With people in my life at a higher risk for COVID-19 due to immunocompromised health concerns, I realized this virus needs to be taken more seriously. It’s been roughly two weeks since I have seen anyone outside of the household I’ve been staying at and it’s difficult, but there are bigger issues than me not seeing friends and family. Luckily for us, FaceTime makes it easier to stay in touch with loved ones. Although it’s not the same as seeing family in person, their health needs to be a main concern.
During this time, I’ve used technology not just to stay in touch with others, but also to take online classes. Personally, I am having a hard time adjusting to the virtual classroom because I always have things to complete and it can be difficult to keep up with the class load.
It seems like there is more work due when you have to listen to podcasts and take lecture notes in comparison to going to physical classes, which seems like less effort. It makes it even more difficult to complete schoolwork when your new classroom is located in your home. There is nothing to break up home life and schoolwork, which can be mentally draining and not motivating. Overall, social distancing has been a struggle, but at this point, I’m just happy that I am healthy and that the people I care for the most are as well.