Letter to the editor: Wear a mask outside
September 16, 2020
Mask mandates are a huge topic of discussion that can lead to debates about freedom of speech, government policies and personal beliefs. The governor of Wisconsin made it mandatory to wear a mask in public places.
Specifically, on the campus of UW Oshkosh, the mask mandate is enforced at all times in academic buildings, residence halls and outside whenever social distancing is not possible, as stated in the “Titan Safety Promise.”
A major challenge facing the community of the UWO is the mask restriction while being outdoors.
According to the Wisconsin Department of Health Services, masks should be worn in public places when it is difficult to practice social distancing, no matter if it is inside a building or outdoors.
An issue at the university along with other cities in Wisconsin, is that students are not fully complying with the outdoor mask mandate, and will refuse to wear a mask outdoors, even when social distancing cannot be kept.
Sidewalks on campus and in other parts of the city do not give enough space for proper social distancing standards.
The university is providing resources and keeping the rules and regulations very clear for COVID-19. To help resolve this issue, students can help enforce the rules to their peers.
If students report issues, the Oshkosh Student Association has an opportunity to voice those opinions while enforcing the rules.
While these issues are being reported, The Advance-Titan can continue to inform students about the problems associated with broken rules. Having students enforce the rules can truly help prevent the spread of COVID-19 so that classes can continue in person, while also allowing students to experience the college lifestyle and have the opportunity to get the help or resources they need throughout the semester and the rest of the year.