Freedom over safety

October 7, 2020
Inserting political views where political views are not needed. On Jan. 22, 2020, the U.S had confirmed its first COVID-19 case, leaving many to face struggles no one would’ve ever seen coming.
In protection of its people, the Government call was made for all businesses to be on lockdown, causing many employers to go into financial crisis, college students to leave campus and worry on how our K-12 students would continue on.
Though this matter caused great fallout, it indeed was a time of fighting side by side. Although there was hope that citizens would come together, going into lockdown only added fire into the ongoing argument of what freedom in our country means, causing yet again another divide of America.
Rules and regulations were disregarded, raising the positive COVID-19 cases. All over social media, you see appalling encounters with those who refuse to wear a mask, in defense that it takes away constitutional rights. That now, wearing a mask or not wearing a mask, no longer is about safety but politics.
Though medical professionals have shared their findings of the dangers COVID-19 has, their work has been thrown
aside. Despite the truth behind this virus, many continue to believe Politicians and our President, a platform where false information is released. Such as President Trump’s racist statement in referring to the coronavirus as the “Chinese Virus” or “Kung Flu”.
With the scare that this outbreak has caused, talking about politics isn’t how this matter should be taken into hands. Instead, citizens of the U.S. should realize that this is not about taking their rights away but getting life back to how it was before the coronavirus had hit.
It is about coming together and caring for one’s safety rather than mourning over the deaths of our loved ones.
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