Red Arrow Park challenges beginner disc golfers
November 4, 2020
When I returned to campus this fall, Red Arrow Park was the first course I visited because of the reviews on UDisc.
As a beginner to intermediate player, I was surprised that I outdrove the basket on hole one, and, no, I didn’t even eat my Wheaties that day.

Holes one through five are all rather short, around 200 or fewer feet to the basket. It’s a great confidence boost before you hit the longer holes.
Hole six is probably the worst. I have had to look for a disc or two on that hole. As a right-handed thrower, unless you are comfortable with your forehand, I’d skip this hole entirely if you don’t want to lose a disc in the pond or go searching in the brush.
I guess I was pretty lucky my first time I played this hole. My forehand was so bad that my disc landed on the other side of the pond . . . but then I had to walk all the way back to hole one to cross the bridge, walk the length to hole six, retrieve my disc, walk back to the bridge and finally to hole seven where I picked up. At least I got my steps in, right?
The remaining holes are fairly open, so you don’t have to worry about losing any more discs. Hole seven starts to play with elevation; the basket sits on the side of a hill. I always try to land my drive on top of the hill so my putt is downhill. Nothing is worse than having to putt uphill.
Hole 13 is set up in a similar way, so I approach my shot like on 13 like I would on seven. The hardest hole in terms of elevation is 15. You start at the bottom of the sledding hill and throw to the top. It usually takes me three drives to get it to the top because
I always throw it too low. I also don’t want to throw it too far up in the air that it gets caught by the wind and taken off my intended flight path.
Once you have made the trek to the top, hole 16 rewards you with a downhill shot. After all that hard work getting up the hill, it’s nice to see the disc fly down to the basket. Not to mention, this hole provides a great view of the whole course. From there on out, the course is simple and fun.
Overall this course is great for beginners. The shots are open, the holes are all par 3, and other players on the course are friendly and helpful. It had a great community environment. The park also has softball/baseball diamonds, a waterpark, a skate park and a playground to keep everyone in the family entertained.
On this course, you could get away with just a driver and a putter, but it wouldn’t be a bad idea to carry a fairway driver or a midrange for those shorter holes at the beginning.
Try it out before it gets too cold!