April 25 – May 1
May 1, 2019
UWO student Daniel Salazar wins funding for his product idea “Pack-Its” at a regional pitch competition. “Pack-Its” are single use biodegradable bags, intended for things such as animal waste removal.
Students enjoy Brass Band Night Wednesday, hosted by Reeve Union Board in the Titan Underground. Blue Orchid is one of three bands that entertains with some jazzy tunes. Click to hear part of their performance: https://youtu.be/EbvWAP3qz-w
Advance-Titan editors head to Green Bay on Saturday to cover the Trump reelection rally.
Volunteers head to a dog park to help clean up and make improvements.
A volunteer stops to pet one of the dogs at the dog park they are cleaning.
UWO Women’s Rugby club participates in Rugby prom weekend.
Hunter Staniske bats for UWO vs. Ripon College.
Titan softball players celebrate teammate Abby Menting’s homerun.