EIC doesn’t burn the place down, thanks his folks
Calvin Skalet, Editor in Chief
Folks, it’s time for me to say goodbye to Reeve 19 and all of the memories it produced.
Thank you to every single person who has helped me get to where I am today.
Roommates, family, friends, coworkers, bosses, etc. I’ve had so much help in everything I’ve been able to accomplish in my life. The Advance-Titan is a perfect example of this.
From the very beginning there wasn’t a story that I wrote in which I didn’t have a storm of editors giving me their insight on my work. It takes a village to get this kid to do anything.
The confidence I received from my friends and colleagues throughout my time at the A-T is the only reason I got to where I am today. I wouldn’t have taken the steps I made without the love and support from every single person in my life. I can’t emphasize this enough.
I took on my first job at the A-T because it was close to my house and I didn’t have to commute. I also didn’t want to keep working at Blackhawk, so I took my talents to the basement of Reeve Union so I didn’t have to continue tossing salads in the upstairs cafeteria.
I took a step at the A-T when I decided I was going to become the head news editor. It was a gigantic step. To this day I still don’t think I’m fully prepared for that job. The only reason I took it on was because I had people pushing me to do it. I’m glad they did. It built me up. Alex Nemec was the one that showed me how to be a news editor. I learned from the best.
Somehow, someway, my colleagues ended up choosing me to lead this publication for the past year. I never in a million years thought I’d be doing this. I was so honored when my friends thought I would be the right person to lead this group. I took on these roles because I had support from my colleagues. Sometimes that’s all you need to take the important steps.
At the A-T I was able to do things like write gymnastics recaps or cover news stories in the community. I was came up with design layouts with my editors. I even covered a D-III National Championship with the sports editors.
All of that is awesome and important, but none of it is as important as the friendships and colleagues I’ve made in the last two years. It’s absolutely the most valuable thing I’ve taken away from working here. The connections you make at the A-T are meaningful and everlasting. I’ve made some of my best friends here. To think that I took on this job to make money is laughable. The connections I’ve made in this newsroom are going to help me in ways no dollar amount can top.
Time for a few individual shoutouts:
A huge thank you to the Advance-Titan adviser, Barb Benish. I can’t express how thankful I am of everything you’ve done for the A-T. When you took over this job it didn’t look promising, that’s for sure! From the moment you took on the job, you gave everything you had. The progress we’ve made this past year I hope was reassuring. I’m sure we drove you crazy at times, and that’s mainly Neal’s fault, but I can assure you it was an absolute privilege working with someone so hard-working but also so supportive. Thank you.
To my friend Ti Windisch. My man. You have done so much for me since I met you down in the newsroom. If there’s one person I know that 100% believes in me, it’s you. The countless texts I send you panicking as to whether or not we’re committing libel or my texts that rip apart the Saints organization. The countless hours spent at Molly McGuire’s, my friend I cannot thank you enough for believing in me. Whenever I find myself in times of trouble (sheesh there’s been a lot), you’re one of the first individuals I look to. It’s also extremely likely that you’re going to make it big here soon and I have like zero money to my name so I’m going to keep being your friend if you’re okay with that. Thank you.
To my former A-T people: Alex Nemec, Collin Goeman, Laura Dickinson, Mike Johrendt and Alex Thompson. You folks are quite a treat I must say. None of this was possible without you guys building me up each and every day. I miss being in the same work environment as you all, but that’ll make our return that much sweeter. Thank you.
To Vince Filak, you’re the reason I got into this thing. You helped me in so many ways. If I ever needed someone to talk to, your office was open. If I needed advice on any issue, you were always there to talk. Your loyalty and commitment to teaching does not go unnoticed. Thank you.
To Neal Hogden, my M.E. I am so glad I was able to work with you. You made my job so much easier than I was imagining when I started this thing. I make mistakes all the time. Hiring you as managing editor was not one of them. Your positive mentality and respectful personality is what makes you an awesome person to work with and it’s what will land you a job wherever you end up. I’m glad I have you as a friend. Forever and always the Navy Seal. Thank you.
To everyone working at the A-T right now, thank you. Everything we’ve accomplished is in response to your hard work and dedication. You don’t get paid enough to do some of things you do. Most of you have other jobs aside from this. It was truly inspiring to see how invested you were in this thing. You listened to me when I would make decisions. Even the wrong decisions.
The whole year I went by hoping that I could keep this team together. I didn’t set out to do the impossible, I just wanted to keep the pieces together. I can assure you we did that and much more. Thank you.