Independent Student Newspaper of UW Oshkosh Campuses

The Advance-Titan

Independent Student Newspaper of UW Oshkosh Campuses

The Advance-Titan

Independent Student Newspaper of UW Oshkosh Campuses

The Advance-Titan

Owen Larsen / Advance-Titan
Sports Editor Owen Larsen interviews a University of Minnesota student for a story in Fall 2022.
Larsen will graduate from UWO on May 18.

Sports editor’s last baseball story

Owen Larsen, Sports Editor May 9, 2024

I’ll be quite honest, I didn’t expect to be here working for this paper. I didn’t even expect to be in Oshkosh in general.  I started my college career in Minnesota in 2020 planning to be an...

Ella Rider / Advance-Titan
The Advance-Titan says goodbye to our copy desk editor Alvaro Rivera. He plans to get an internship after graduation.

How All-vuh-row found his place at the A-T

Alvaro Rivera, Copy desk editor May 9, 2024

I joined the Advance-Titan in the spring of 2023, which was during my first year here at the UW Oshkosh - Oshkosh campus. In my first two years of college, I went to the UW Oshkosh - Fond du Lac campus...

Angela Satterlee / Advance-Titan
Kyiah Nelson is celebrating her last production night as the copy desk chief for the Advance-Titan.

Copy desk chief and perfectionist graduates

Kyiah Nelson, Copy Desk Chief May 9, 2024

Hi friends, How in the frick is this the last paper I’m going to work on? For the many readers who don’t recognize my name (do you read the bylines, anyway?), I’m the Advance-Titan’s local...

Ella Rider / Advance-Titan
Michael Buckner creates his last graphic for the Advance-Titan, where he’s worked since 2022.

A-T’s graphic designer signs off

Michael Buckner, Graphic Designer May 9, 2024

My time at the Advance-Titan staff didn’t start in my first year of college. I spent my first semester in business management before changing my major to graphic design. But it was one of my South...

Senior Send-Off: Katie Pulvermacher

Senior Send-Off: Katie Pulvermacher

Katie Pulvermacher, Editor-in-Chief December 6, 2023

The Advance-Titan office and its staff have been my home for the past three years. I wouldn’t be where I am today without the craziness of writing for UW Oshkosh’s student newspaper. Let’s break...

Senior Send-Off: Mattie Beck

Senior Send-Off: Mattie Beck

Mattie Beck, Arts & Entertainment Editor December 6, 2023

I remember first walking into the newsroom my freshman year. It was the middle of the pandemic and my sorority sister Lexi all but dragged me down there.  “You’re a journalism major? Me too! Here,...

Kylie Balk-Yaatenen was the Arts & Entertainment editor for the 2021-2022. Her and her grandpa are pictured above.

I’m so over writing headlines

Kylie Balk-Yaatenen, Arts & Entertainment Editor May 4, 2022

My time has finally come to write a senior sendoff, and I have been struggling to decide how I wanted to start it. I obviously have so many people to thank and so many things I learned in my time here...

Lexi Wojcik-Kretchmer / The Advance-Titan
Lexi Wojcik Kretchmer was assistant news editor and writer.

Assistant editor goes out with a laugh

Lexi Wojcik-Kretchmer, Assistant News Editor May 4, 2022

My time at the Advance-Titan began when I wrote a letter to the editor titled “Ditch the straw, save the earth” for my honors macroeconomics class in hopes that I could get extra credit for it if it...

Mackenzie Seymour

Joining The A-T was the best decision

Mackenzie Seymour, Staff Writer May 4, 2022

Last spring, my mom texted me about an advertisement she had seen on Facebook. It was about The Advance-Titan newspaper looking for new writers. With encouragement from my mom, I reached out to Barb Benish,...

‘What matters’

‘What matters’

April Lee, Photo Editor December 8, 2021

“The road to success is never a straight line” was the best advice I was given. For a while, I compared myself to others who graduated and had a career going. A lot of my graduating high school...

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