When I came to Oshkosh, I joined the newspaper and for the next five semesters I had the privilege of writing among friends and peers. Last year, I changed my priorities and began to focus on my presidency in Pre-Law Society; this forced me away from the paper, but not the amazing friendships I had made along the way. The ultimate lesson Oshkosh has taught me is to seek responsibility.
It’s a little known fact that many people here are apt to go through the motions and just want a degree, but that speaks for so little of the opportunities available to students. When in a small school like Oshkosh, there are so many niches available for leadership that will benefit you.
I’ve been a writer and editor for the Advance-Titan, President of UWO Pre-Law Society, CA for residence life and a highly invested student. Beyond the responsibilities that benefit you both from a personal and professional perspective, others you find in those positions will continue to push you in perpetual motion.
Before I acknowledge my friends and peers, I would like to thank faculty and staff.
Barbara Benish welcomed me into the newspaper and showed me the craft which has allowed me to grow as a communicator. Her appreciation for the work of my peers and myself drove us to be one of the best student papers in the nation, which is far from exaggeration.
My major, political science, was taught by a cohort of some of my favorite educators I’ve come across. It’s a group that I wholeheartedly recommend to anyone who wishes to challenge themselves and their perspectives.
Jerry Thomas has encouraged me to make the most of my presidency in Pre-Law, giving me responsibility and discretion with how I conduct the organization. Tracy Slagter has no peers in her capacity to care and love, making sure every student is at home and taking decisive action if they are not. Their assistance in academics is unparalleled, adding countless hours to help myself and fellow law school applicants.
David Siemers’ absence throughout sabbatical soured my senior year, as I love political theory and his method of teaching it, driving me to learn and appreciate it in my own time.
All of these amazing teachers guided me towards responsibility. Many say that it’s lonely at the top, but they’ve never attended UWO club meetings.
Jacob Link has been one of my best friends the last three years. We constantly push each other, for better or worse, towards greatness. We’ve watched each other become men and kept each other moving forward.
Josh Lehner took the leap and joined a group of us going to a cabin for a weekend when we had hardly talked to him before. While this does not reflect on his ability to survive a horror movie, it shows how willing he is to seize the moment.
Alvaro Rivera is consistently pulling for all of us to hang out, which is difficult when we are busy but so appreciated in retrospect. When he joined our circle, we became more complete and he has seen to it that we stay bound together.
Katie Pulvermacher was the first of our friend group to graduate, but I’m overjoyed that Jacob has kept her tied down to us. She is a delightful presence in our friend group who will always be sure that we do not forget to have sides with our meal.
Anya Kelley and Kelly Hueckman have taken over editing of the paper and I’m extremely proud of them for doing so. As much as I’ve enjoyed my time in Pre-Law Society, I wish I had more time to work alongside such competent and strong women.
Finally, all of my fellow board members of Pre-Law Society. As sad as I am to set down the reins, I am confident that your strong and wise hands will pick them back up. All of you stun me with your gumption and capacity for leadership.
I am overfilled with a mixture of pride and humbleness. I have found myself surrounded by friends, peers and educators with no substitute; however, this is not fortune, this is the result of seeking responsibility.
Seek responsibility and you will find yourself striding among such amazing people as these, probably not as amazing though.