Like every other piece I’ve published, I’ve put off writing this until the eleventh hour. However, this time my delay wasn’t a product of procrastination — it was a product of the bittersweet realization that this is the final issue of the Advance-Titan I will have helped create.
My 3.5-year-long journey with the A-T began when I was a timid freshman in 2021. I walked into my first story meeting late because I couldn’t find the sacred (or cursed?) office in the deep, dark depths of Reeve. I was a journalism major. This is where I was supposed to be, right?
UW Oshkosh tested me on that. For about the first year in the newsroom, I pretty much only spoke the words, “yes,” “no” and “holy shit, that’s a lot of edits.” At one point during this period, a single sentence I wrote in journalism professor Vince Filak’s class was put on blast via his blog. Yikes! I was beginning to wonder if this was really the right route for me afterall.
However, as I spent more time with the A-T and learning to formulate coherent pieces in my journalism classes, I finally started to settle into my writing and role at the A-T. After working for about a year as a reporter, I took over as the Opinion Editor in 2022 before becoming the Managing Editor under former and current Editors-in-Chief Katie Pulvermacher and Anya Kelley.
I’ve been given so many opportunities as a journalist, including writing columns and editorials, interviewing some of the most colorful personalities I’ve ever met and traveling to cities I otherwise may not have been able to visit. I won state-wide and national awards I dreamt of when I was a measly little freshman.
Finally, the newsroom began to feel a bit less like work and a whole lot more like home. That would probably explain the countless naps I’ve taken on the office couch, but it would also explain the friendships and lifelong memories I’ve made along the way. I wouldn’t have been able to get through school or even a single production night without the talent, knowledge and sheer greatness from the people I’ve met along the way.
First, I want to thank Anya for her devotion to the paper, her incredible brain and her kindness. You are a born leader, and you inspire everyone around you to challenge themselves and simply be better than they were. I can’t wait to see what you do with your time left with the A-T and the big things beyond.
Katie, your talent could never go unnoticed, but it was your kindness and willingness to listen that showed your knack for being a great leader and an even better friend. Jacob, I’ve never seen anyone as committed to churning out stories like you do. Never stop writing! Josh, your journalistic abilities are admired by so many, but I urge you to never give up on your rapping and soundboard work.
Nolan Sr., thanks for always being a friend. I’ll miss our girl chats. Nolan Jr., keep bringing such joy and life to the newsroom — I can’t wait to see you blossom in your journalism journey.
Cassidy, keep on creating such a lively, beautiful opinion section each week. Also, make sure to lock your windows at night before I steal your entire wardrobe.
Of course, I can’t talk about my time with the A-T without giving flowers to the world’s best Copy Desk Chief, Kyiah. I’ll never fully understand the galaxy that is your mind, but I’m so grateful for the endless hours you spent stitching my stories into a publishable work.
I sincerely admire and thank anyone who ever contributed to our weekly paper that each week, I’m so proud of — even if I don’t know how we pulled it off. Your hard work has never gone unnoticed, and will help you immensely in the future.
My time at UWO and the A-T was filled with highs and lows. I’ve laughed deliriously with my friends at 2 a.m. and I’ve shed tears in the offices of my professors. Somehow, with the help of my colleagues, friends, faculty and advisers and most importantly, the A-T, I’ve managed to get through the past 4.5 years.
For anyone considering joining the Advance-Titan, this is your sign to just do it. If your experience is anything like mine, you won’t regret it.