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Independent Student Newspaper of UW Oshkosh Campuses

The Advance-Titan

Independent Student Newspaper of UW Oshkosh Campuses

The Advance-Titan

Independent Student Newspaper of UW Oshkosh Campuses

The Advance-Titan

Letter to the Editor: Meal plan problems

Haley DeBauche, Letter Author December 9, 2020

I am currently a sophomore at UW Oshkosh, and I have had multiple issues with determining what type of meal plan option is best for me. There are a few different options, but none of them fit my financial...

Letter to the Editor: Changes coming for Black Friday

Jackie Korth, Letter Author December 2, 2020

It’s one day of the year when people go crazy over unbelievable prices; this day is known as Black Friday. Black Friday always happens the day after Thanksgiving, but most stores open Thanksgiving evening. This...

Letter to the Editor: “Thank you, McGraw-Hill Connect”

Dakota Bayer, Letter Author November 18, 2020

You would be hard-pressed to find a student who claims they learn more from doing practice problems in the back of a textbook rather than working from McGraw-Hill Connect or other online class services. I’ve...

Image courtesy of Heblo from Pixabay

The case for Joe Biden

Eric Thompson, Letter Author October 28, 2020

Why does Biden need to be elected? For me, it is simple. Biden represents the best opportunity to restore America’s respectability on the global stage and inject morality back into our society. Over...

Letter to the Editor: Save the 'Blue Lights'

Letter to the Editor: Save the ‘Blue Lights’

Ava Tryon, Letter Author October 21, 2020

The fall semester has begun. Leaves crinkling under the eager footsteps of students on their way to classes. The sun dipping behind the horizon earlier than normal. Chattering students walking back...

There will be record voter turnout this year. Vote early!

There will be record voter turnout this year. Vote early!

October 9, 2020

Hello, I’m Debra, founder and CEO of VoteAmerica, one of the biggest voter turnout organizations in the country. I've lived and worked in Silicon Valley for a long time but I got out of tech and...

Mental illness among millennials

Mental illness among millennials

Ally Stribbling, Letter Author October 7, 2020

As a fellow college student, it has been brought to my attention that there is an increasing decline with student’s mental health. Mental illness is defined as a wide variety of conditions that disrupt...

Freedom over safety

Freedom over safety

Mikenzi Thao, Letter Author October 7, 2020

Inserting political views where political views are not needed. On Jan. 22, 2020, the U.S had confirmed its first COVID-19 case, leaving many to face struggles no one would’ve ever seen coming. In...

Letter to the Editor: I Can’t Get No… Representation

Shouacua Xiong September 23, 2020

If you look up the word, “Hmong” on The Advance-Titan, only one article from each year pops up, usually highlighting Asian Heritage Month. Once you hit 2018, however, things get pretty interesting....

Letter to the editor: Wear a mask outside

Brittany Harrison September 16, 2020

Mask mandates are a huge topic of discussion that can lead to debates about freedom of speech, government policies and personal beliefs. The governor of Wisconsin made it mandatory to wear a mask in public...

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