Independent Student Newspaper of UW Oshkosh Campuses

The Advance-Titan

Independent Student Newspaper of UW Oshkosh Campuses

The Advance-Titan

Independent Student Newspaper of UW Oshkosh Campuses

The Advance-Titan

The trials of online learning

Sophia Voight, Opinion Editor April 22, 2020

As UWO rounds off its first full month of coronavirus-induced online courses, I have found myself reflecting on the good, the bad and the ugly of this transition to online learning. Being forced online...

‘Cursed Films’ explores horror film conspiracies

Nolan Fullington, Columnist April 22, 2020

“Cursed Films” is a documentary/limited series now streaming exclusively on Shudder that examines the facts, myths, curses and mysteries surrounding iconic horror films and franchises whose casts and...

Carter Uslabar/ The Advance-Titan -- During the pandemic, there is no excuse not to take your dog for a walk.

Staying relatively healthy in relatively fun ways during the coronapocalypse

Heidi Docter, Opinion Writer and Copy Editor April 21, 2020

We have all seen the articles floating around about staying active during quarantine, but they’re all the same and they’re all BORING. With most articles recommending things like “take a walk”...

courtesy of Jessica Rosga

Personal experience with social distancing

Jessica Rosga, Columnist April 15, 2020

When classes got canceled and UWO students were given a two-week spring break, I honestly did not take social distancing as seriously as I should have. At that point, I was still planning on taking my...

Bitter Coffee with spoiled Kareem

Nolan Fullington, Columnist April 15, 2020

“Coffee & Kareem” is the latest comedy film from Netflix. Its linchpin aspect is Ed Helms, who I’ve rarely found funny, he usually comes off as blunderous and annoying in most of his films or television...

Courtesy of Collin Tuchalski

How to get an internship in a tough economy

Collin Tuchalski, Columnist April 15, 2020

As COVID-19 has taught everyone, anything can happen, including a virus that can shut down the majority of the world seemingly overnight and put the economy in a tailspin. While there is a lot of uncertainty...

‘Spenser Confidential’ is a waste of time

Nolan Fullington, Columnist April 9, 2020

“Spenser Confidential” marks the return of the Mark Wahlberg and Peter Berg team-up. This time, their work is being produced by Netflix. When two Boston police officers are murdered, ex-cop Spenser...

Laurens mother, Jennifer, holds the cork board Lauren made for her birthday

Staying positive while social distancing

Lauren Reidinger, Columnist April 8, 2020

The COVID-19 pandemic has completely changed the course of my life and so many others. I have lost my job, been told to leave university grounds, told I was unable to walk at my graduation and forced into...

Graphic by Sophia Voight

Cults and tigers and meth, oh my

Sophia Voight, Opinion Editor April 8, 2020

Tigers, cults, drug lords, murder-for-hire and presidential campaigns only scrape the surface of the bizarre world of Joe Exotic in Netflix’s new true crime documentary series “Tiger King.” It...

‘The Jesus Rolls’ belongs in the gutter

Nolan Fullington, columnist April 8, 2020

“The Jesus Rolls” is the sequel to “The Big Lebowski” that nobody asked for that came 20 years too late. The film is brought to you by John Turturro who wrote, directed and stars in his role...

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