Independent Student Newspaper of UW Oshkosh Campuses

The Advance-Titan

Independent Student Newspaper of UW Oshkosh Campuses

The Advance-Titan

Independent Student Newspaper of UW Oshkosh Campuses

The Advance-Titan


UWO respondes to Trump’s proposal to define sex

November 1, 2018

Last week the Trump administration announced a proposal to legally define gender as a “biological, immutable condition determined by genitalia at birth.” The proposal has faced backlash from the...

Letter to the Editor

Abby Reich November 1, 2018

Today, women are still struggling to become leaders in their organizations. According to a study by Pew Research, “​only 26 women are in CEO roles at Fortune 500 companies, making up 5.2 percent...

Video game industry is growing, gaining more acceptance

Joshua Mounts, Columnist November 1, 2018

For years it seems that being a “gamer,” or one who plays video games, has been quite a stigma. Over more recent years, this seems to have shifted a bit. Video gaming and the people who participate...


Take time for mental health

October 25, 2018

Sleeping and eating are both healthy habits that should be considered important for college students to do throughout their time in school. However, not getting enough sleep and not eating seems to...

Student votes are important in determining results of midterm elections

Jesse Szweda, Columnist October 25, 2018

I’m going to do something a little bit unusual for the opinion section and share a personal secret. Ready to hear it? I did not vote in the 2016 presidential election. Scandalous, I know. But...

Study breaks are good for health

Joshua Mounts, Columnist October 25, 2018

College is tough. That’s plain and simple, every college student learns that, whether it’s early in their college career or closer to their graduation date. Making time to study and complete...

Faculty and class cuts are the wrong solution for budget cuts

Courtney Schuna, Columnist October 25, 2018

It’s no secret that faculty workloads are set to increase next year due to budget cuts here at UW Oshkosh. The biggest question in response to this is how this is going to affect the students’...

Recent cases prompt action

Recent cases prompt action

Advance-Titan Staff October 18, 2018

Professors are similar to parents in that they take on the role to care, guide and provide support. What happens when professors overstep that role, and what repercussions should they face? Obviously,...

Marijuana should be legalized

Courtney Schuna, Opinion Columnist October 18, 2018

Marijuana is a great way to treat various medical conditions like severe anxiety and cancer. Its use, both recreational and medical, should be legal in all 50 states. A Pew Research Center article...

Street preachers provide interactions for students

Jesse Szweda, Opinion Columnist October 18, 2018

Like other students at this University, I had a Christian upbringing, which meant I got to hear plenty of preaching throughout my childhood. However, this preaching always took place within a church...

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