Independent Student Newspaper of UW Oshkosh Campuses

The Advance-Titan

Independent Student Newspaper of UW Oshkosh Campuses

The Advance-Titan

Independent Student Newspaper of UW Oshkosh Campuses

The Advance-Titan

LinkedIn helps students succeed

Josh Mounts, Opinion Writer April 26, 2018

[media-credit id=2 align="alignleft" width="300"][/media-credit] Among all the wise words about how to gain success you may have heard in your life, “It’s all about who you know” may hold some...

UW restructure still needs more clarity

The Advance-Titan April 19, 2018

There is nothing more unnerving than not knowing all of the details of a plan that could very well change your life. This is how many students felt when the UW merger was first announced, and so far there...

Men’s volleyball legacy in need of reward

Nathan Dodge April 19, 2018

With the UW Oshkosh men’s club volleyball season having just come to an end on Saturday, now is as good a time to ask the recurring question: has the historical success of the program made a strong enough...

Minimum wage increase not the right answer

Ryan Taylor, Opinion Writer April 19, 2018

The federal minimum wage currently sits at $7.25 an hour. Recently there have been discussions to increase that to rates of up to $15 an hour, and some cities have already taken steps to make that...

UWO can change its bad reputation

The Advance-Titan April 12, 2018

All colleges are known for different things and have a variety of reputations — UW-Platteville for its engineering program, UW-Whitewater for its business college and athletics program, UW- Green Bay...

Letter to the Editor

Eric Royce April 12, 2018

Not ever having attended a cultural event at Oshkosh, I was a little apprehensive about going to the Asian Heritage Month Fashion Show. “You’ll be an ignorant outsider that doesn’t know heads...

Free speech must protect all language

Ryan Taylor, Opinion Writer April 12, 2018

On March 21 vlogger Mark Meechan, otherwise known by his YouTube alias, Count Dankula, was found guilty of a hate crime for a “grossly offensive” prank that he posted. He had taught his girlfriend’s...

UWO strides to make more green choices

Gwen Nichols, Opinion Writer April 5, 2018

It’s no secret that sustainability has become a hot-seat topic in the news lately. Conserving clean energy has become all the rage. I think UW Oshkosh is doing its part to keep up with this very...

Person-first training needed for everyone

Courtney Schuna, Opinion Writer April 5, 2018

Language is always changing, so we need to change the way we use it in everyday and professional conversation. Person-first training is a way we can change the way we use language so we don’t accidentally...

Professors must take breaks into consideration for scheduling exams

The Advance Titan April 5, 2018

During a long, relaxing break, the last thing a student needs is to panic and cram for an exam the day after break is over. Sadly, this is the case for some. Although there are many professors who understand...

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