Independent Student Newspaper of UW Oshkosh Campuses

The Advance-Titan

Independent Student Newspaper of UW Oshkosh Campuses

The Advance-Titan

Independent Student Newspaper of UW Oshkosh Campuses

The Advance-Titan

Letter to the Editor

Austin Lee February 21, 2019

As a white male in America, I am mostly blinded by real-world issues due to the white privilege I was born with. As obvious as it sounds, we do not choose our race, religion or gender at birth. Everyone...

Letter to the editor

Travis Jelinek February 21, 2019

Dear Editor, Robots are great, aren’t they? They clean your floors, make your coffee and take your jobs … wait, what? Yes, you heard me right, they take our jobs. However, you shouldn’t blame...

Opinion Cartoon

Campus counseling services questioned

The Advance Titan Staff February 14, 2019

The UW Oshkosh Counseling Center offers free mental health services to students, but is it enough? Several students have said mental health services are lacking on campus and UWO needs to take a more...

Drink dairy milk and help out our local farming families

Samantha Huerth February 14, 2019

Imagine waking up at 4 a.m. to milk hundreds of cows, repeating it at 4 p.m., and starting over the next day, 365 days a year. This is the life of many people in the dairy industry. Today, dairy farmers...

Call to action to commuters: Stick around campus longer and study

Brock Hopkins February 14, 2019

It’s a common trend if you are studying economics at the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh that the “parking issue” will rear its ugly head in discussions. It often comes up when teaching supply and...

Cartoon drawn by Ethan Uslabar: Man on computer in Dempsey deleteing files under documents that say big check one, big check two, bg check three, UWO reputation, big check four then the man says, if this isnt peters Principal, I dont know what is.

Foundation secrecy will affect UWO reputation

Staff December 6, 2018

Recently, the Advance-Titan received court documents revealing that the University has been redirecting funds away from the UW Oshkosh Foundation, potentially harming its reputation and fundraising capacity. Affidavits...

Food waste problem can be changed

Ethan Uslabar, Columnist December 6, 2018

Once again, the left is perpetrating fake news, and the claims are nearly as fetid as the subject. Food waste, they claim, is a growing issue, alleging that nearly a third of all food we produce is...

Letter to the Editor

Kyle Peotter December 6, 2018

Gas prices are now the lowest they’ve been in about a year, according to a Nov. 24 edition of The Wall Street Journal. This beckons the question: Who do we have to thank for this? President Trump believes...

Four-year goal isn’t realistic

Joshua Mounts, Columnist December 6, 2018

It doesn’t matter how long it takes you, as long as you get there. This idea should be the tagline of colleges across the nation as through the many trials, tribulations and the years of hard...

Letter to the Editor

Tristan Piotter December 6, 2018

The minimum wage hasn’t “really” been $7.25 for a long time now. An ongoing argument between the Republicans and Democrats is whether or not to raise the federal minimum wage. Democrats believe that...

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