“The Speaker Series welcomed the members of MTV’s hit show “The Buried Life” on March 10.
“The Buried Life” members Jonnie Penn, Duncan Penn, Ben Nemtin and Dave Lingwood created a list of 100 things they want to do before they die.
At the event, Duncan Penn and Lingwood discussed how they became “The Buried Life” and also shared a few of their favorite stories.
It started when all four of the guys weren’t happy with their lives and wanted to make a change. They asked themselves what they wanted to do before they died.
They came up with 100 things that they wanted to complete; they have since crossed off about 80 things on their list. Some of the things include playing ball with the president, helping to deliver a baby and making a television show.
The guys saved up enough money to buy a camera off eBay and a little RV. They took some time off and decided to start filming themselves completing their list.
They told everyone around their town and this led to them making the front page of the newspaper, which was another item to cross off.
The guys soon decided they wanted to help other people cross things off of their list. The first person they helped was Brent Walisser.
Walisser was, at one point, homeless, and he wanted to take pizza to the shelter that helped him. The guys ended up buying him a new truck because his broke down.
They continued to film themselves completing their list. One thing they wanted to do was to crash a red carpet. They did this at the MTV Video Music Award’s. They said they were with MTV and were doing the pilot for a new series called “The Buried Life.” They managed to get in and cross another item off of their list.
After this they posted a trailer online about what they were doing. This trailer got them a call from MTV to come and do the show with them.
MTV told the guys that they would be the executive producers so they wouldn’t have to “sell out” or part ways with “The Buried Life.”
Jonnie Penn, Duncan Penn, Nemtin and Lingwood completed everything on their own. They were told to film like they had been doing.
After the show ended, the guys started a production company called Four Peaks Media Group.
After Lingwood and Duncan Penn talked about how they became “The Buried Life” they opened up the floor for attendees to say something they want to do before they die.
Some things said were to send students’ parents on a vacation, see and swim in the ocean for the first time and to have a photo in National Geographic.
One student wanted Lingwood to propose to her before she died. He proposed to her to have a drink of his Redbull. Another wanted him to give her a kiss on the cheek; he also helped her cross it off her list.
Penn and Lingwood were very impressed with all the things that students here at UWO wanted to do before they died.
UWO student Hannah Foley said he also has a list of things she wants to do before she dies.
“I wanted to see Paul McCartney, from the Beatles, and that happened about two summers ago,” Foley said. “I also wanted to get a tattoo. I now have four.”
Other attendees like Britney Karr and Savannah Lenz have buckets lists, but they said they haven’t written them down. They said they found the stories and how the guys became “The Buried Life” interesting.
“I found it interesting how they got started and to see how far they’ve come,” Lenz said. “I want to write down my list but it’s always changing.”
“The stories they told were very interesting,” Karr said. “I haven’t written mine down because I don’t have time.”
Foley said she enjoyed the story of the guys.
“I loved the rags to riches story,” Foley said. “I didn’t know they were regular guys. They are inspiring and people just like [me].”
Penn and Lingwood said that they get asked how they completed so many things on their list. They then listed off the four things they live by: write it down, creative persistence, be audacious and use your network.
The guys are still crossing things off their list while helping others complete theirs.”