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Johnny Fuentez- Molly’s
Q: What is your favorite aspect of pub crawl?
A: “I like that all the students come together in Oshkosh. Any house party is welcoming and everyone is outside just enjoying their day.”
Q: What is your least favorite part of pub crawl?
A: “I don’t really have a least favorite part. I guess I would say that I’m always working during that time so I don’t get to have time to go to the parties.”
Q: What is the best part about bartending?
A: “I would say interacting with people. I have made a lot of friends through my job.”
Q: What advice do you have for future crawlers?
A: “Just be careful and be smart with your decisions. Have fun and don’t be stupid.” [/one-fourth-first]
Bartender from Kelly’s
Q: What is your greatest pub crawl story?
A: “ I personally have never had a problem. Although, I few years ago, a girl hit her head on a ceiling fan.”
Q: What advice do you have for future crawlers?
A: “If you are 21, do it. If you are underage, just know that if you get caught, you are making a choice.”
Q: What is your favorite aspect of bartending?
A: “I work with my friends, which is nice. I also make great money.”
Q: Do you love/hate pubcrawl? Why?
A: “I like it. I always have a good time, we run our bar the same, no matter what weekend it is.”
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John Martin- Peabody’s
Q: What is your favorite aspect of pubcrawl?
A: “The bars are busy, which is great.”
Q: What is your least favorite aspect of pubcrawl?
A: “I don’t like the littering and damage to property that usually comes with heavy drinking.”
Q: What is your favorite part of bartending?
A: “I would have to say the interaction with people. That’s why a lot of people get into bartending.”
Q: What advice do you have for future crawlers?
A: “Just one thing: please drink within your means.”
Q: Any stories worth sharing?
A: “Last year they had a drum circle going with like 30 guys playing bongos, which was cool.”
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Rob- Manager of Varsity’s
Q: What is your favorite aspect of pubcrawl?
A: “The business is great. I like seeing people get together, no big issues.”
Q: “What is your least favorite aspect of pubcrawl?
A: “There is definitely over-excessive drinking going on. College students over consume alcohol, especially during pub crawl.”
Q: Any stories worth sharing?
A: “One time I was ID’ing people at the door and I saw a guy put his fist through a window, completely shattering the glass. There was blood running down his hand.”
Q: Any advice for future crawlers?
A: “Try not to over-consume. We try to offer to water to people we see struggling. There’s no reason that someone has to get seriously injured or sick during pub crawl.” [/one-fourth]