The UW Oshkosh Student Veterans of Americas community game night will work to unite UWO student veterans to the campus with help from the Journalism Public Relations Campaigns class and PRSSA Bateman. The game night is sponsored by the SVA, UWO, multiple campus organizations and Oshkosh community businesses. The March 3 game night is free and open to the public in Reeve Memorial Union Ballroom. The event will included life-size games, pizza, cookies and prizes. Prizes will be awarded in life-size games like Jenga, Tic-Tac-Toe, Battleship and Hungry, Hungry Hippos, according to the press release. Other games will include Pub Trivia and Minute to Win It. Education on SVA and veteran resources and a kids area for children 12 and under will be featured at the event. Bateman team member Megan Schroeder said one of the goals of the event is to bring together student veterans, their families and the community. Im picturing an event where a bunch of different types of people can come together and get to know each other and have fun, Schroeder said. I really hope that a lot of veterans families and people from the community show up. Schroeder said she hopes students take this opportunity to learn more about student veterans. The main goal of the game night is to educate people on Student Veterans of America and student veterans in general, Schroeder said. Im hoping that everyone comes with an open mind ready to learn. Bateman team member Stephanie Stradel said preceding events in the SVA campaign have benefited the organization. The Penny War and Cherry Berry fundraiser have had positive outcomes by getting students engaged with the organization along with creating awareness, Stradel said. All the proceeds benefit the SVA, so thats a plus. SVA president Aaron Kloss said the Penny War last week helped propel the campaign but was not as successful as previous wars. The fact that we had a Penny War last week was a huge impact from the campaign, Kloss said. The SVA has typically only done one Penny War a year in the past. The turnout was not as big as we have seen in the past but we have also never done two in a year, which may have caught people a bit off guard. The campaign is being run by the Bateman Team and students in the Journalism Public Relations Campaign class, as a part of the PRSSA National Bateman competition. According to the PRSSA, website the Bateman competition allows students to apply what they have learned in the classroom to the real world. Journalism professor and Bateman faculty adviser Jean Giovanetti said her role is to guide students as they work on the campaign. Weve all learned so much about public relations, journalism, building relationships and about Student Veterans of America and the services they offer to student and the Oshkosh community, Giovanetti said. According to Schroeder, her favorite part about working on the SVA campaign as a Bateman Team member is feeling like she is creating a good impression on campus. I think that what veterans do for our country is extremely important and think that the general population should be more aware of what veterans experience and the resources that are available to them, Schroeder said. Schroeder said her participation in the campaign has built her public relations skills. I also really enjoyed gaining more experience in public relations, Schroeder said. Working on Bateman has confirmed that this is what I want to do with my future career. Kloss said he hopes the campaign not only benefits SVA but also the campus and surrounding community. My hopes for the UW Oshkosh SVA is an even greater campus and community presence and awareness, Kloss said. We have all served our country in the past and we should carry that duty over to our time here on campus.
PRSSA team collaborates with UWO student veterans
March 2, 2016
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