Oshkosh Student Association President Austyn Boothe’s veto of the segregated fee reallocation resolution was not valid because she didn’t respond to the signing of the resolution within five days, according to the Student Body Constitution.
“I want to be clear here, I am a sponsor of this resolution and I recognize that President Boothe has the right to veto, I simply believe she failed to act within five days,” Vice Chair of the Segregated Fee Committee Daniel Dennis said.
OSA Senate and Assembly had passed the resolution to reallocate some segregated fees on March 28. Boothe sent out an email on April 5 stating she vetoed the resolution.
Boothe said in a statement that she is not in favor of this resolution primarily because students’ voices are not required to be listened to as they are now, if these services are moved over to non-allocable.
Boothe said she thought if the resolution was not signed by her in five days it would be vetoed.
Dennis said in an email on April 6 that since she failed to act within five days, then according to the constitution the resolution would then take effect.
The constitution states after clearing both houses, all joint legislation shall be presented to the president for his/her action.
“All joint legislation shall take effective [sic] immediately upon receiving the President’s signature or five class days following its clearance of both houses if the President fails to act within that time,” the constitution states.
Boothe said she explained her point of view and how she interpreted the constitution as, if she did not sign the resolution in five days it would be vetoed, rather than she had to announce the veto within five days.
“After discussing with Brandon Miller and offices at UW System it is clear that others do not interpret the constitution the same way,” Boothe said.
Dennis said if Boothe believes her interpretation is wrong it would have to be interpreted by the Judicial Branch if Senate or Assembly alleges that this is indeed a mistake.
“Otherwise I believe this resolution took effect immediately on [April 4],” Dennis said.
Boothe said the intent of this resolution was to protect services if Gov. Scott Walker’s budget included an option to opt out of allocable fees, which at this point does not look like it will actually happen, Boothe said.
“The OSA resolution will be discussed in more detail at the final Segregated Fee Committee meeting,” Boothe said. “At this point there is no plan to move anything over, more discussion will be had at the final Segregated Fee meeting. I can hopefully give an update about what the official plan is after that meeting.”