UW Oshkosh Titan Volunteers is one of the largest volunteer groups on campus that provides a variety of opportunities for students to participate in activities. Sophomore Ireland Andrews, an executive board member, said Titan Volunteers is a great way for students to get involved in places outside campus. “I really wanted a way to meet people and have fun helping people around the community,” Andrews said. Some of the opportunities Titan Volunteers offer include bingo at the nursing homes, the can collection at Menominee Park’s Celebration of Lights and Volunteers on the Move. Volunteers on the Move is a day-long program that takes a group of students to participate in a community service event. Often these events take place outside of Oshkosh, such as Appleton, Milwaukee or Madison. Senior Sophie Brandstetter, president of Titan Volunteers, said an event she really enjoyed herself at Celebration of Lights. “Last year, after our shift, the whole set of volunteers went to go through the lights and pet the reindeer after,” Brandstetter said. “It was so fun.” Another event is the Zooloween Boo, a fundraiser for the Menominee Park Zoo. Volunteers helped with children’s games, supervised at the bounce houses, admissions, concessions, crafts and the bake sale. Junior Molly Raisbeck said the Zooloween Boo was one of her favorites. “I loved the Zooloween Boo,” Raisbeck said. “Seeing all of the adorable children dressed up in their Halloween costumes was a fantastic experience.” After committing to the club for a year and logging enough hours, the volunteers may have the opportunity to gain an executive board position. Senior Logan Byrne said he wanted to become an executive board member to build leadership skills. “[Being a part of the exec board] gives me more responsibility and holds me more accountable,” Byrne said. Anyone can be a part of Titan Volunteers. Regular attendance at meetings is not required. According to Brandstetter, being a part of Titan Volunteers will benefit not only the campus and the Oshkosh community, but students will better themselves. Titan Volunteers holds its meetings on Tuesdays at 5:30 p.m. in Reeve Memorial Union room 201.