“There is no correct belief, only what we internally believe,” speaker Dale Frampton said as part of the Pagan Student Alliance’s speaker series “Meet a Druid” event on Monday night. Frampton, a member of Ár nDraíocht Féin: A Druid Fellowship, explained the role of Druids throughout history. “[Druids] were religious specialists of the Celtic people,” Frampton said. “They were advisers to kings, magicians, seers and poets.” According to Frampton, the druids practice rituals to honor gods, goddesses, spirits and ancestors and believe in the worship of nature. “The druids were the intellects of their time,” Frampton said. “They wanted to honor the various divinities and to show reverence to them.” Frampton brought a small altar with several items to showcase important symbols within Druidry. There was a candle to represent fire, which is used in many Pagan rituals, as well as small figures symbolizing a mother goddess and a world tree showing the druids’ connection to nature. “The bowl can represent a well or pit, where offerings to the spirits can be placed,” Frampton said. “The fire can also represent a sort of heaven with the bowl or pit representing the underworld.” Offerings are placed in order to receive blessings from the gods and is a part of the druid’s many rituals which are performed on the equinoxes, solstices, and the four fire festivals known as Samhain, Imbolc, Beltane and Lughnasadh. “ADF considers itself a church and religion,” Frampton said. “How we practice is what brings us together. We are bound together by what we do.” ADF has a liturgy, or common structure, to their rituals starting with a call to honor or service followed by a meditation. They then ask the kindred spirits to protect them and proceed to make an offering. “We then start a purification, cleansing us of the things, like anxiety about the ritual, that we have brought in with us that day,” Frampton said. Next they honor the Earth Mother and state their purpose for the ritual with an offering. “We can tell if they don’t like the offering and we will make a new one if they don’t,” Frampton said. They then ask for blessings in exchange for the offering and thank the kindreds and close the gate. Frampton said the ritual then closes with a reversal of the actions performed in the opening ceremony. The PSA hopes to bring in more speakers that fall under the broad category that is the Pagan religion. PSA President Devin Rothson said the rituals the PSA holds are open to everyone. “They are pretty generic, so anyone is welcome to attend,” Rothson said. PSA Vice President Tyler Hahn said the alliance is working towards bringing attention to parts of Paganism. “[Paganism] is like a diamond,” Hahn said. “It can be seen many different ways and in many different light.”
Druid speaker Dale Frampton addresses Pagan Student Alliance
October 7, 2015
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