“The Office of International Education will showcase the numerous study abroad possibilities during the study abroad fair on Wednesday Oct. 5 at the Alumni Welcome and Conference Center.
According to study abroad coordinator Kelsey McDaniels the fair will showcase not only what UWO has to offer but also what the whole UW System has to offer.
“Students aren’t restricted to our programs,” McDaniels said. “If we don’t have a program that a student wants, we have other companies and these companies offer other things like volunteer experiences, internships.”
Various locations will be available to students; popular locations include Japan, Europe and Peru, according to McDaniels.
McDaniels said regardless of the program, each school available for students is provided in English so there is no need to speak a second language.
“The courses are nice because you can go with a professor or you can go to school over there and either way there will be course options in English,” McDaniels said.
Besides education, McDaniels said students will get a lot more than just studying done while abroad.
McDaniels said students will also get an enhanced worldview and will get to experience varied cultures, meet other people and gain connections through their experience abroad.
“We want students to enjoy it and to come back a changed person because study abroad can teach you a lot about yourself,” McDaniels said. “The overall goal we want students to get out of studying abroad is to enjoy the experience.”
Brianna Swafford, a fifth-year social work major, recently went abroad to Italy last summer for an Italian Food Culture course. According to Swafford, the hands-on experience with her food class was something she will always remember.
“I would cook a meal with a professor and I didn’t have any cooking experience before I went and now I have all these recipes,” Swafford said.
Besides getting the hands-on experience out of her trip, Swafford said she learned a lot more than just food culture. She said she learned what it’s like to be in a different part of the world.
“It was a big culture shock but I wouldn’t have it any other way,” Swafford said. “I highly suggest it for literally anyone. I would go back in a heartbeat.”
Claire Clough, an environmental studies major, said she would love to see the world in a new way if she were to study abroad.
“I’m very interested,” Clough said. “You gain a new perspective on a culture and I want other students to see how similar and how different the rest of the world is compared to us.”